wings 0.2.1
An embeddable header-only Python interpreter for C/C++.
wings.h File Reference

The wings API. More...

#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

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Data Structures

struct  Wg_Config
 The configuration used to initialise an interpreter. More...


typedef struct Wg_Context Wg_Context
 An opaque type representing the state of an interpreter. More...
typedef struct Wg_Obj Wg_Obj
 An opaque type representing an object in the interpreter. More...
typedef int64_t Wg_int
 The underlying data type of an integer object. More...
typedef uint64_t Wg_uint
 The unsigned version of Wg_int. More...
typedef double Wg_float
 The underlying data type of a float object. More...
typedef Wg_Obj *(* Wg_Function) (Wg_Context *context, Wg_Obj **argv, int argc)
 The signature of a native function registered into the interpreter as a function object. More...
typedef void(* Wg_Finalizer) (void *userdata)
 The signature of an object finalizer. More...
typedef void(* Wg_PrintFunction) (const char *message, int len, void *userdata)
 The signature of the print function used by the interpreter for printing. More...
typedef void(* Wg_ErrorCallback) (const char *message)
 The signature of the fatal error callback. More...
typedef bool(* Wg_IterationCallback) (Wg_Obj *obj, void *userdata)
 The signature of an iteration callback used by Wg_Iterate(). More...
typedef bool(* Wg_ModuleLoader) (Wg_Context *context)
 The signature of a module loader. More...
typedef struct Wg_Config Wg_Config
 The configuration used to initialise an interpreter. More...
typedef enum Wg_UnOp Wg_UnOp
 The unary operation to be used Wg_UnaryOp. More...
typedef enum Wg_BinOp Wg_BinOp
 The binary operation to be used by Wg_BinaryOp. More...
typedef enum Wg_Exc Wg_Exc
 The type exception to be raised by Wg_RaiseException. More...


enum  Wg_UnOp {
 The unary operation to be used Wg_UnaryOp. More...
enum  Wg_BinOp {
 The binary operation to be used by Wg_BinaryOp. More...
enum  Wg_Exc {
 The type exception to be raised by Wg_RaiseException. More...


Wg_ContextWg_CreateContext (const Wg_Config *config)
 Create an instance of an interpreter. More...
void Wg_DestroyContext (Wg_Context *context)
 Free a context created with Wg_CreateContext(). More...
void Wg_DefaultConfig (Wg_Config *config)
 Get the default configuration. More...
bool Wg_Execute (Wg_Context *context, const char *script, const char *prettyName)
 Execute a script. More...
Wg_ObjWg_ExecuteExpression (Wg_Context *context, const char *script, const char *prettyName)
 Execute a script containing an expression. More...
Wg_ObjWg_Compile (Wg_Context *context, const char *script, const char *prettyName)
 Compile a script into a function object. More...
Wg_ObjWg_CompileExpression (Wg_Context *context, const char *script, const char *prettyName)
 Compile an expression into a function object. More...
void Wg_SetErrorCallback (Wg_ErrorCallback callback)
 Set a callback for programmer errors. More...
const char * Wg_GetErrorMessage (Wg_Context *context)
 Get the current exception message. More...
Wg_ObjWg_GetException (Wg_Context *context)
 Get the current exception object. More...
void Wg_RaiseException (Wg_Context *context, Wg_Exc type, const char *message)
 Create and raise an exception. More...
void Wg_RaiseExceptionClass (Wg_Obj *klass, const char *message)
 Create and raise an exception using a class object. More...
void Wg_RaiseExceptionObject (Wg_Obj *obj)
 Raise an existing exception object. More...
void Wg_ReraiseExceptionObject (Wg_Obj *obj)
 Raise an existing exception object without affecting the stack trace. More...
void Wg_RaiseArgumentCountError (Wg_Context *context, int given, int expected)
 Raise a TypeError with a formatted message. More...
void Wg_RaiseArgumentTypeError (Wg_Context *context, int index, const char *expected)
 Raise a TypeError with a formatted message. More...
void Wg_RaiseAttributeError (const Wg_Obj *obj, const char *attribute)
 Raise a AttributeError with a formatted message. More...
void Wg_RaiseKeyError (Wg_Context *context, Wg_Obj *key)
 Raise a KeyError with a formatted message. More...
void Wg_RaiseNameError (Wg_Context *context, const char *name)
 Raise a NameError with a formatted message. More...
void Wg_ClearException (Wg_Context *context)
 Clear the current exception. More...
Wg_ContextWg_GetContextFromObject (Wg_Obj *obj)
 Get the context associated with an object. More...
Wg_ObjWg_IsInstance (const Wg_Obj *instance, Wg_Obj *const *types, int typesLen)
 Check if an object's class derives from any of the specified classes. More...
Wg_ObjWg_GetGlobal (Wg_Context *context, const char *name)
 Get a global variable in the current module namespace. More...
void Wg_SetGlobal (Wg_Context *context, const char *name, Wg_Obj *value)
 Set a global variable in the current module namespace. More...
void Wg_Print (const Wg_Context *context, const char *message, int len)
 Print a message. More...
void Wg_PrintString (const Wg_Context *context, const char *message)
 Print a string message. More...
void Wg_CollectGarbage (Wg_Context *context)
 Force run the garbage collector and free all unreachable objects. More...
void Wg_IncRef (Wg_Obj *obj)
 Increment the reference count of an object. A positive reference count prevents the object from being garbage collected. More...
void Wg_DecRef (Wg_Obj *obj)
 Decrement the reference count of an object. A positive reference count prevents the object from being garbage collected. More...
Wg_ObjWg_None (Wg_Context *context)
 Get the None singleton value. More...
Wg_ObjWg_NewBool (Wg_Context *context, bool value)
 Instantiate a boolean object. More...
Wg_ObjWg_NewInt (Wg_Context *context, Wg_int value)
 Instantiate an integer object. More...
Wg_ObjWg_NewFloat (Wg_Context *context, Wg_float value)
 Instantiate a float object. More...
Wg_ObjWg_NewString (Wg_Context *context, const char *value)
 Instantiate a string object. More...
Wg_ObjWg_NewStringBuffer (Wg_Context *context, const char *buffer, int len)
 Instantiate a string object from a buffer. More...
Wg_ObjWg_NewTuple (Wg_Context *context, Wg_Obj **argv, int argc)
 Instantiate a tuple object. More...
Wg_ObjWg_NewList (Wg_Context *context, Wg_Obj **argv, int argc)
 Instantiate a list object. More...
Wg_ObjWg_NewDictionary (Wg_Context *context, Wg_Obj **keys, Wg_Obj **values, int len)
 Instantiate a dictionary object. More...
Wg_ObjWg_NewSet (Wg_Context *context, Wg_Obj **argv, int argc)
 Instantiate a set object. More...
Wg_ObjWg_NewFunction (Wg_Context *context, Wg_Function fptr, void *userdata, const char *prettyName)
 Instantiate a function object. More...
Wg_ObjWg_BindMethod (Wg_Obj *klass, const char *name, Wg_Function fptr, void *userdata)
 Instantiate a function object and bind it to a class. More...
Wg_ObjWg_NewClass (Wg_Context *context, const char *name, Wg_Obj **bases, int basesLen)
 Instantiate a class object. More...
bool Wg_IsNone (const Wg_Obj *obj)
 Check if an object is None. More...
bool Wg_IsBool (const Wg_Obj *obj)
 Check if an object is a boolean. More...
bool Wg_IsInt (const Wg_Obj *obj)
 Check if an object is an integer. More...
bool Wg_IsIntOrFloat (const Wg_Obj *obj)
 Check if an object is a float. More...
bool Wg_IsString (const Wg_Obj *obj)
 Check if an object is a string. More...
bool Wg_IsTuple (const Wg_Obj *obj)
 Check if an object is a tuple. More...
bool Wg_IsList (const Wg_Obj *obj)
 Check if an object is a list. More...
bool Wg_IsDictionary (const Wg_Obj *obj)
 Check if an object is a dictionary. More...
bool Wg_IsSet (const Wg_Obj *obj)
 Check if an object is a set. More...
bool Wg_IsFunction (const Wg_Obj *obj)
 Check if an object is a function. More...
bool Wg_IsClass (const Wg_Obj *obj)
 Check if an object is a class. More...
bool Wg_GetBool (const Wg_Obj *obj)
 Get the value from a boolean object. More...
Wg_int Wg_GetInt (const Wg_Obj *obj)
 Get the value from an integer object. More...
Wg_float Wg_GetFloat (const Wg_Obj *obj)
 Get the float value from an integer or float object. More...
const char * Wg_GetString (const Wg_Obj *obj, int *len)
 Get the value from a string object. More...
void Wg_SetUserdata (Wg_Obj *obj, void *userdata)
 Set the userdata for an object. More...
bool Wg_TryGetUserdata (const Wg_Obj *obj, const char *type, void **userdata)
 Get the userdata from an object if it is of the expected type. More...
void Wg_RegisterFinalizer (Wg_Obj *obj, Wg_Finalizer finalizer, void *userdata)
 Register a finalizer to run when an object is garbage collected. More...
bool Wg_HasAttribute (Wg_Obj *obj, const char *attribute)
 Check if an object has an attribute. More...
Wg_ObjWg_GetAttribute (Wg_Obj *obj, const char *attribute)
 Get an attribute of an object. If the attribute does not exist, an AttributeError is raised. If the attribute is an unbound method object, a new method object is allocated with obj bound. If this allocation fails, a MemoryError is raised. More...
Wg_ObjWg_GetAttributeNoExcept (Wg_Obj *obj, const char *attribute)
 Get an attribute of an object. Unlike, Wg_GetAttribute(), this function does not raise exceptions. More...
void Wg_SetAttribute (Wg_Obj *obj, const char *attribute, Wg_Obj *value)
 Set an attribute of an object. More...
Wg_ObjWg_GetAttributeFromBase (Wg_Obj *obj, const char *attribute, Wg_Obj *baseClass)
 Get an attribute of an object, skipping attributes that belong to the most derived layer. More...
bool Wg_Iterate (Wg_Obj *obj, void *userdata, Wg_IterationCallback callback)
 Iterate over an iterable object. More...
bool Wg_Unpack (Wg_Obj *obj, int count, Wg_Obj **values)
 Helper function to unpack an iterable object into an array of objects. More...
Wg_ObjWg_GetKwargs (Wg_Context *context)
 Get the keyword arguments dictionary passed to the current function. More...
void * Wg_GetFunctionUserdata (Wg_Context *context)
 Get the userdata associated with the current function. More...
Wg_ObjWg_Call (Wg_Obj *callable, Wg_Obj **argv, int argc, Wg_Obj *kwargs)
 Call a callable object. More...
Wg_ObjWg_CallMethod (Wg_Obj *obj, const char *method, Wg_Obj **argv, int argc, Wg_Obj *kwargs)
 Call a method on a object. More...
Wg_ObjWg_CallMethodFromBase (Wg_Obj *obj, const char *method, Wg_Obj **argv, int argc, Wg_Obj *kwargs, Wg_Obj *baseClass)
 Call a method on a object, skipping methods which belong to the most derived layer. More...
bool Wg_ParseKwargs (Wg_Obj *dict, const char *const *keys, int keysLen, Wg_Obj **values)
 Get the values from a kwargs parameter. More...
Wg_ObjWg_GetIndex (Wg_Obj *obj, Wg_Obj *index)
 Index an object. More...
Wg_ObjWg_SetIndex (Wg_Obj *obj, Wg_Obj *index, Wg_Obj *value)
 Set an index of an object. More...
Wg_ObjWg_UnaryOp (Wg_UnOp op, Wg_Obj *arg)
 Perform a unary operation. More...
Wg_ObjWg_BinaryOp (Wg_BinOp op, Wg_Obj *lhs, Wg_Obj *rhs)
 Perform a binary operation. More...
void Wg_RegisterModule (Wg_Context *context, const char *name, Wg_ModuleLoader loader)
 Register a callback to be called when a module with the given name is imported. In the callback, new members can be added to the module. More...
Wg_ObjWg_ImportModule (Wg_Context *context, const char *module, const char *alias)
 Import a module. More...
Wg_ObjWg_ImportFromModule (Wg_Context *context, const char *module, const char *name, const char *alias)
 Import a specific name from a module. More...
bool Wg_ImportAllFromModule (Wg_Context *context, const char *module)
 Import all names from a module. More...

Detailed Description

The wings API.

Typedef Documentation

◆ Wg_BinOp

typedef enum Wg_BinOp Wg_BinOp

The binary operation to be used by Wg_BinaryOp.

◆ Wg_Config

typedef struct Wg_Config Wg_Config

The configuration used to initialise an interpreter.

The configuration cannot be changed after the interpreter is initialised.

See also

◆ Wg_Context

typedef struct Wg_Context Wg_Context

An opaque type representing the state of an interpreter.

See also
Wg_CreateContext, Wg_DestroyContext

◆ Wg_ErrorCallback

typedef void(* Wg_ErrorCallback) (const char *message)

The signature of the fatal error callback.

messageA null terminated string containing the error message.
See also

◆ Wg_Exc

typedef enum Wg_Exc Wg_Exc

The type exception to be raised by Wg_RaiseException.

◆ Wg_Finalizer

typedef void(* Wg_Finalizer) (void *userdata)

The signature of an object finalizer.

Do not perform any object allocations in this function.
userdataThe userdata specified when this callback was registered.
See also

◆ Wg_float

typedef double Wg_float

The underlying data type of a float object.

See also
Wg_NewFloat, Wg_GetFloat

◆ Wg_Function

typedef Wg_Obj *(* Wg_Function) (Wg_Context *context, Wg_Obj **argv, int argc)

The signature of a native function registered into the interpreter as a function object.

To get the keyword arguments passed to the function, call Wg_GetKwargs().

contextThe associated context.
argvAn array of objects passed to the function.
argcThe length of the argv array.
The return value of the function call. If an exception was raised, NULL should be returned.
See also
Wg_NewFunction, Wg_BindMethod

◆ Wg_int

typedef int64_t Wg_int

The underlying data type of an integer object.

See also
Wg_NewInt, Wg_GetInt

◆ Wg_IterationCallback

typedef bool(* Wg_IterationCallback) (Wg_Obj *obj, void *userdata)

The signature of an iteration callback used by Wg_Iterate().

The yielded object is protected from garbage collection for the duration of this function.

objThe object yielded by iteration.
userdataThe userdata specified in Wg_Iterate.
A boolean indicating whether iteration should continue. A value of false does not necessarily mean an error occurred.

◆ Wg_ModuleLoader

typedef bool(* Wg_ModuleLoader) (Wg_Context *context)

The signature of a module loader.

contextThe associated context.
A boolean indicating whether tthe module was loaded successfully.
See also
Wg_RegisterModule, Wg_ImportModule, Wg_ImportFromModule, Wg_ImportAllFromModule

◆ Wg_Obj

typedef struct Wg_Obj Wg_Obj

An opaque type representing an object in the interpreter.

◆ Wg_PrintFunction

typedef void(* Wg_PrintFunction) (const char *message, int len, void *userdata)

The signature of the print function used by the interpreter for printing.

The message may not be null terminated and may contain null bytes in the middle.
messageAn array of bytes to be printed.
lenThe length of the message in bytes.
userdataThe userdata specified when this callback was registered.
See also
Wg_Config, Wg_Print, Wg_PrintString

◆ Wg_uint

typedef uint64_t Wg_uint

The unsigned version of Wg_int.

See also

◆ Wg_UnOp

typedef enum Wg_UnOp Wg_UnOp

The unary operation to be used Wg_UnaryOp.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ Wg_BinOp

enum Wg_BinOp

The binary operation to be used by Wg_BinaryOp.


The addition operator.

Calls the __add__ special method.


The subtraction operator.

Calls the __sub__ special method.


The multiplication operator.

Calls the __mul__ special method.


The division operator.

Calls the __truediv__ special method.


The floor division operator.

Calls the __floordiv__ special method.


The modulo operator.

Calls the __mod__ special method.


The power operator.

Calls the __pow__ special method.


The bitwise and operator.

Calls the __and__ special method.


The bitwise or operator.

Calls the __or__ special method.


The xor operator.

Calls the __xor__ special method.


The logical and operator.

Calls the __nonzero__ special method on both arguments and returns the logical and of the result. If either __nonzero__ returns a non boolean type, a TypeError is raised.


The logical or operator.

Calls the __nonzero__ special method on both arguments and returns the logical or of the result. If either __nonzero__ returns a non boolean type, a TypeError is raised.


The bit left shift operator.

Calls the __lshift__ special method.


The bit right shift operator.

Calls the __rshift__ special method.


The in operator.

Calls the __contains__ special method. If __contains__ returns a non boolean type, a TypeError is raised.


The not in operator.

Calls the __contains__ special method and inverts the result. If __contains__ returns a non boolean type, a TypeError is raised.


The equals operator.

Calls the __eq__ special method. If __eq__ returns a non boolean type, a TypeError is raised.


The not equals operator.

Calls the __ne__ special method. If __ne__ returns a non boolean type, a TypeError is raised.


The less than operator.

Calls the __lt__ special method. If __lt__ returns a non boolean type, a TypeError is raised.


The less than or equals operator.

Calls the __le__ special method. If __le__ returns a non boolean type, a TypeError is raised.


The greater than operator.

Calls the __gt__ special method. If __gt__ returns a non boolean type, a TypeError is raised.


The greater than or equals operator.

Calls the __ge__ special method. If __ge__ returns a non boolean type, a TypeError is raised.

◆ Wg_Exc

enum Wg_Exc

The type exception to be raised by Wg_RaiseException.













































◆ Wg_UnOp

enum Wg_UnOp

The unary operation to be used Wg_UnaryOp.


The identity operator.

Calls the __pos__ special method.


The unary minus operator.

Calls the __neg__ special method.


The bitwise complement operator.

Calls the __invert__ special method.


The logical not operator.

Calls the __nonzero__ special method and inverts the result. If __nonzero__ returns a non boolean type, a TypeError is raised.


The hash operator.

Calls the __hash__ special method. If __hash__ returns a non integer type, a TypeError is raised.


The length operator.

Calls the __len__ special method. If __len__ returns a non integer type, a TypeError is raised.


The bool conversion operator.

Calls the __bool__ special method. If __bool__ returns a non boolean type, a TypeError is raised.


The integer conversion operator.

Calls the __int__ special method. If __int__ returns a non integer type, a TypeError is raised.


The float operator operator.

Calls the __float__ special method. If __float__ returns a non float type, a TypeError is raised.


The string conversion operator.

Calls the __str__ special method. If __str__ returns a non string type, a TypeError is raised.


The string representation operator.

Calls the __repr__ special method. If __repr__ returns a non string type, a TypeError is raised.


The index conversion operator.

Calls the __index__ special method. If __index__ returns a non integer type, a TypeError is raised.

Function Documentation

◆ Wg_BinaryOp()

Wg_Obj * Wg_BinaryOp ( Wg_BinOp  op,
Wg_Obj lhs,
Wg_Obj rhs 

Perform a binary operation.

The logical and/or operators will short-circuit their truthy test.
opThe binary operation to perform.
lhsThe left hand side operand.
rhsThe right hand side operand.
The result of the operation, or NULL on failure.
See also
Wg_GetException, Wg_GetErrorMessage

◆ Wg_BindMethod()

Wg_Obj * Wg_BindMethod ( Wg_Obj klass,
const char *  name,
Wg_Function  fptr,
void *  userdata 

Instantiate a function object and bind it to a class.

To get the userdata in the function, call Wg_GetFunctionUserdata(). To get the keyword arguments passed to the function, call Wg_GetKwargs().

Existing instances of the class will gain the new method.
klassThe class to bind the method to.
nameThe name of the method.
fptrThe native function to be bound.
userdataThe userdata to pass to the function when it is called.
The instantiated object, or NULL on failure.
See also
Wg_GetException, Wg_GetErrorMessage, Wg_BindMethod

◆ Wg_Call()

Wg_Obj * Wg_Call ( Wg_Obj callable,
Wg_Obj **  argv,
int  argc,
Wg_Obj kwargs 

Call a callable object.

Calling a class object will instantiate the class.

The kwargs parameter must be a dictionary with string keys, otherwise a TypeError is raised.

callableThe object to call.
argvAn array of arguments to pass to the callable object. If argc is 0 then this can be NULL.
argcThe length of the argv array.
kwargsA dictionary object containing the keyword arguments or NULL if none.
The return value of the callable, or NULL on failure.
See also
Wg_CallMethod, Wg_GetException, Wg_GetErrorMessage

◆ Wg_CallMethod()

Wg_Obj * Wg_CallMethod ( Wg_Obj obj,
const char *  method,
Wg_Obj **  argv,
int  argc,
Wg_Obj kwargs 

Call a method on a object.

This is equivalent to calling Wg_GetAttribute() and then Wg_Call().

The kwargs parameter must be a dictionary with string keys, otherwise a TypeError is raised.

objThe object to call the method on.
methodThe method to call.
argvAn array of arguments to pass to the callable object. If argc is 0 then this can be NULL.
argcThe length of the argv array.
kwargsA dictionary object containing the keyword arguments or NULL if none.
The return value of the callable, or NULL on failure.
See also
Wg_Call, Wg_GetException, Wg_GetErrorMessage

◆ Wg_CallMethodFromBase()

Wg_Obj * Wg_CallMethodFromBase ( Wg_Obj obj,
const char *  method,
Wg_Obj **  argv,
int  argc,
Wg_Obj kwargs,
Wg_Obj baseClass 

Call a method on a object, skipping methods which belong to the most derived layer.

This is equivalent to calling Wg_GetAttributeFromBase() and then Wg_Call().

This is useful if the method is shadowed by the derived class. If multiple bases contain this attribute, the first attribute found is returned.

The kwargs parameter must be a dictionary with string keys, otherwise a TypeError is raised.

objThe object to call the method on.
methodThe method to call.
argvAn array of arguments to pass to the callable object. If argc is 0 then this can be NULL.
argcThe length of the argv array.
kwargsA dictionary object containing the keyword arguments or NULL if none.
baseClassThe base class to search in, or NULL to search in all bases.
The return value of the callable, or NULL on failure.
See also
Wg_Call, Wg_GetException, Wg_GetErrorMessage

◆ Wg_ClearException()

void Wg_ClearException ( Wg_Context context)

Clear the current exception.

contextThe associated context.

◆ Wg_CollectGarbage()

void Wg_CollectGarbage ( Wg_Context context)

Force run the garbage collector and free all unreachable objects.

contextThe associated context.

◆ Wg_Compile()

Wg_Obj * Wg_Compile ( Wg_Context context,
const char *  script,
const char *  prettyName 

Compile a script into a function object.

An exception will be raised if there are any errors and should be handled with Wg_ClearException() or propagated.

contextThe associated context.
scriptThe script to compile.
prettyNameThe name to run the script under, or NULL to use a default name.
A function object, or NULL on failure.
See also
Wg_GetException, Wg_GetErrorMessage, Wg_Call

◆ Wg_CompileExpression()

Wg_Obj * Wg_CompileExpression ( Wg_Context context,
const char *  script,
const char *  prettyName 

Compile an expression into a function object.

An exception will be raised if there are any errors and should be handled with Wg_ClearException() or propagated.

contextThe associated context.
scriptThe expression to compile.
prettyNameThe name to run the script under, or NULL to use a default name.
A function object, or NULL on failure.
See also
Wg_GetException, Wg_GetErrorMessage, Wg_Call

◆ Wg_CreateContext()

Wg_Context * Wg_CreateContext ( const Wg_Config config)

Create an instance of an interpreter.

The returned context must be freed with Wg_DestroyContext(). This function does not fail.

configThe configuration to use, or NULL to use the default configuration.
A newly created context.

◆ Wg_DecRef()

void Wg_DecRef ( Wg_Obj obj)

Decrement the reference count of an object. A positive reference count prevents the object from being garbage collected.

The reference count must not be negative.

objThe object whose reference count is to be decremented.
See also

◆ Wg_DefaultConfig()

void Wg_DefaultConfig ( Wg_Config config)

Get the default configuration.

[out]configThe returned default configuration.
See also

◆ Wg_DestroyContext()

void Wg_DestroyContext ( Wg_Context context)

Free a context created with Wg_CreateContext().

contextThe context to free.

◆ Wg_Execute()

bool Wg_Execute ( Wg_Context context,
const char *  script,
const char *  prettyName 

Execute a script.

An exception will be raised if there are any errors and should be handled with Wg_ClearException() or propagated.

contextThe associated context.
scriptThe script to execute.
prettyNameThe name to run the script under, or NULL to use a default name.
A boolean indicating whether the script compiled and executed successfully.
See also
Wg_GetException, Wg_GetErrorMessage

◆ Wg_ExecuteExpression()

Wg_Obj * Wg_ExecuteExpression ( Wg_Context context,
const char *  script,
const char *  prettyName 

Execute a script containing an expression.

An exception will be raised if there are any errors and should be handled with Wg_ClearException() or propagated.

contextThe associated context.
scriptThe expression to execute.
prettyNameThe name to run the script under, or NULL to use a default name.
The result of executing the expression, or NULL on failure.
See also
Wg_GetException, Wg_GetErrorMessage

◆ Wg_GetAttribute()

Wg_Obj * Wg_GetAttribute ( Wg_Obj obj,
const char *  attribute 

Get an attribute of an object. If the attribute does not exist, an AttributeError is raised. If the attribute is an unbound method object, a new method object is allocated with obj bound. If this allocation fails, a MemoryError is raised.

objThe object to get the attribute from.
attributeThe attribute to get.
The attribute value, or NULL if the attribute does not exist or there is an error.
See also
Wg_HasAttribute, Wg_GetAttributeFromBase, Wg_GetAttributeNoExcept, Wg_SetAttribute, Wg_GetException, Wg_GetErrorMessage

◆ Wg_GetAttributeFromBase()

Wg_Obj * Wg_GetAttributeFromBase ( Wg_Obj obj,
const char *  attribute,
Wg_Obj baseClass 

Get an attribute of an object, skipping attributes that belong to the most derived layer.

This is useful if the attribute is shadowed by the derived class. If multiple bases contain this attribute, the first attribute found is returned.

objThe object to get the attribute from.
attributeThe attribute to get.
baseClassThe base class to search in, or NULL to search in all bases.
The attribute value, or NULL if the attribute does not exist.
See also
Wg_HasAttribute, Wg_GetAttribute, Wg_GetAttributeNoExcept, Wg_SetAttribute

◆ Wg_GetAttributeNoExcept()

Wg_Obj * Wg_GetAttributeNoExcept ( Wg_Obj obj,
const char *  attribute 

Get an attribute of an object. Unlike, Wg_GetAttribute(), this function does not raise exceptions.

This function will not bind unbound method objects to obj.
objThe object to get the attribute from.
attributeThe attribute to get.
The attribute value, or NULL if the attribute does not exist.
See also
Wg_HasAttribute, Wg_GetAttribute, Wg_GetAttributeFromBase, Wg_SetAttribute

◆ Wg_GetBool()

bool Wg_GetBool ( const Wg_Obj obj)

Get the value from a boolean object.

objThe object to get the value from.
The boolean value of the object.

◆ Wg_GetContextFromObject()

Wg_Context * Wg_GetContextFromObject ( Wg_Obj obj)

Get the context associated with an object.

objThe object.
The associated context.

◆ Wg_GetErrorMessage()

const char * Wg_GetErrorMessage ( Wg_Context context)

Get the current exception message.

contextThe associated context.
The current error string.
See also
Wg_GetException, Wg_RaiseException, Wg_RaiseExceptionClass, Wg_RaiseExceptionObject, Wg_ReraiseExceptionObject

◆ Wg_GetException()

Wg_Obj * Wg_GetException ( Wg_Context context)

Get the current exception object.

contextThe associated context.
The current exception object, or NULL if there is no exception.
See also
Wg_GetErrorMessage, Wg_RaiseException, Wg_RaiseExceptionClass, Wg_RaiseExceptionObject, Wg_ReraiseExceptionObject

◆ Wg_GetFloat()

Wg_float Wg_GetFloat ( const Wg_Obj obj)

Get the float value from an integer or float object.

objThe object to get the value from.
The float value of the object.

◆ Wg_GetFunctionUserdata()

void * Wg_GetFunctionUserdata ( Wg_Context context)

Get the userdata associated with the current function.

This function must be called inside a function bound with Wg_NewFunction() or Wg_BindMethod().
The userdata associated with the current function.
See also
Wg_NewFunction, Wg_BindMethod

◆ Wg_GetGlobal()

Wg_Obj * Wg_GetGlobal ( Wg_Context context,
const char *  name 

Get a global variable in the current module namespace.

contextThe associated context.
nameThe name of the global variable.
The value of the global variable, or NULL if it does not exist.
See also

◆ Wg_GetIndex()

Wg_Obj * Wg_GetIndex ( Wg_Obj obj,
Wg_Obj index 

Index an object.

This calls the __getitem__ method.

objThe object to index.
indexThe index.
The object at the specified index, or NULL on failure.
See also
Wg_UnaryOp, Wg_BinaryOp, Wg_SetIndex, Wg_GetException, Wg_GetErrorMessage

◆ Wg_GetInt()

Wg_int Wg_GetInt ( const Wg_Obj obj)

Get the value from an integer object.

objThe object to get the value from.
The integer value of the object.

◆ Wg_GetKwargs()

Wg_Obj * Wg_GetKwargs ( Wg_Context context)

Get the keyword arguments dictionary passed to the current function.

This function must be called inside a function bound with Wg_NewFunction() or Wg_BindMethod().
This function can return NULL to indicate an empty dictionary.
contextThe associated context.
The keywords arguments dictionary.
See also
Wg_Call, Wg_CallMethod

◆ Wg_GetString()

const char * Wg_GetString ( const Wg_Obj obj,
int *  len 

Get the value from a string object.

The string is always null terminated. If null bytes are expected to appear in the middle of the string, the length parameter can be used to get the true length of the string.
objThe object to get the value from.
[out]lenThe length of the string. This parameter may be NULL.
The string value of the object.

◆ Wg_HasAttribute()

bool Wg_HasAttribute ( Wg_Obj obj,
const char *  attribute 

Check if an object has an attribute.

objThe object to check.
attributeThe attribute to check.
A boolean indicating whether the object has the attribute.
See also
Wg_GetAttribute, Wg_GetAttributeFromBase, Wg_GetAttributeNoExcept, Wg_SetAttribute

◆ Wg_ImportAllFromModule()

bool Wg_ImportAllFromModule ( Wg_Context context,
const char *  module 

Import all names from a module.

If the names are imported successfully, the objects bound to the names are bound to global variables with the same names.

If the names in the module are rebound to different objects after importing, the changes are not visible to outside modules.
contextThe associated context.
moduleThe name of the module to import.
A boolean indicating if the names were imported successfully.
See also
Wg_RegisterModule, Wg_ImportModule, Wg_ImportFromModule, Wg_GetException, Wg_GetErrorMessage

◆ Wg_ImportFromModule()

Wg_Obj * Wg_ImportFromModule ( Wg_Context context,
const char *  module,
const char *  name,
const char *  alias 

Import a specific name from a module.

If the name is imported successfully, the object bound to the name is bound to a global variable with the same name (or the alias provided).

If the names in the module are rebound to different objects after importing, the changes are not visible to outside modules.
contextThe associated context.
moduleThe name of the module to import from.
nameThe name to import.
aliasThe alias to import the name under, or NULL to use the same name.
The imported object, or NULL on failure.
See also
Wg_RegisterModule, Wg_ImportModule, Wg_ImportAllFromModule, Wg_GetException, Wg_GetErrorMessage

◆ Wg_ImportModule()

Wg_Obj * Wg_ImportModule ( Wg_Context context,
const char *  module,
const char *  alias 

Import a module.

If the module has already been imported before, the module is not reloaded.

If the module is imported successfully, the module object is bound to a global variable with the same name (or the alias provided).

If the names in the module are rebound to different objects after importing, the changes are not visible to outside modules.
contextThe associated context.
moduleThe name of the module to import.
aliasThe alias to import the module under, or NULL to use the same name.
The imported module object, or NULL on failure.
See also
Wg_RegisterModule, Wg_ImportFromModule, Wg_ImportAllFromModule, Wg_GetException, Wg_GetErrorMessage

◆ Wg_IncRef()

void Wg_IncRef ( Wg_Obj obj)

Increment the reference count of an object. A positive reference count prevents the object from being garbage collected.

objThe object whose reference count is to be incremented.
See also

◆ Wg_IsBool()

bool Wg_IsBool ( const Wg_Obj obj)

Check if an object is a boolean.

objThe object to inspect.
True if the object is a boolean, otherwise false.

◆ Wg_IsClass()

bool Wg_IsClass ( const Wg_Obj obj)

Check if an object is a class.

objThe object to inspect.
True if the object is a class, otherwise false.

◆ Wg_IsDictionary()

bool Wg_IsDictionary ( const Wg_Obj obj)

Check if an object is a dictionary.

objThe object to inspect.
True if the object is a dictionary, otherwise false.

◆ Wg_IsFunction()

bool Wg_IsFunction ( const Wg_Obj obj)

Check if an object is a function.

objThe object to inspect.
True if the object is a function, otherwise false.

◆ Wg_IsInstance()

Wg_Obj * Wg_IsInstance ( const Wg_Obj instance,
Wg_Obj *const *  types,
int  typesLen 

Check if an object's class derives from any of the specified classes.

instanceThe object to be checked.
typesAn array of class objects to be checked against. This can be NULL if typesLen is 0.
typesLenThe length of the types array.
The first subclass matched, or NULL if the object's class does not derive from any of the specified classes.

◆ Wg_IsInt()

bool Wg_IsInt ( const Wg_Obj obj)

Check if an object is an integer.

objThe object to inspect.
True if the object is an integer, otherwise false.

◆ Wg_IsIntOrFloat()

bool Wg_IsIntOrFloat ( const Wg_Obj obj)

Check if an object is a float.

objThe object to inspect.
True if the object is an integer or float, otherwise false.

◆ Wg_IsList()

bool Wg_IsList ( const Wg_Obj obj)

Check if an object is a list.

objThe object to inspect.
True if the object is a list, otherwise false.

◆ Wg_IsNone()

bool Wg_IsNone ( const Wg_Obj obj)

Check if an object is None.

objThe object to inspect.
True if the object is None, otherwise false.

◆ Wg_IsSet()

bool Wg_IsSet ( const Wg_Obj obj)

Check if an object is a set.

objThe object to inspect.
True if the object is a set, otherwise false.

◆ Wg_IsString()

bool Wg_IsString ( const Wg_Obj obj)

Check if an object is a string.

objThe object to inspect.
True if the object is a string, otherwise false.

◆ Wg_IsTuple()

bool Wg_IsTuple ( const Wg_Obj obj)

Check if an object is a tuple.

objThe object to inspect.
True if the object is a tuple, otherwise false.

◆ Wg_Iterate()

bool Wg_Iterate ( Wg_Obj obj,
void *  userdata,
Wg_IterationCallback  callback 

Iterate over an iterable object.

The object must be iterable, otherwise an exception is raised.

The object is protected from garbage collection until the function returns.

objThe object to iterate over.
userdataThe userdata to be passed to the callback function.
callbackA function to be called for each value yielded by iteration. See Wg_IterationCallback for more details on this function.
True on success, or false on failure.
See also
Wg_GetException, Wg_GetErrorMessage

◆ Wg_NewBool()

Wg_Obj * Wg_NewBool ( Wg_Context context,
bool  value 

Instantiate a boolean object.

Unlike the other Wg_NewXXX functions, this function always succeeds.

contextThe associated context.
valueThe value of the object.
The instantiated object.

◆ Wg_NewClass()

Wg_Obj * Wg_NewClass ( Wg_Context context,
const char *  name,
Wg_Obj **  bases,
int  basesLen 

Instantiate a class object.

Methods can be added later with Wg_BindMethod() and data members can be added to instances inside the __init__ method with Wg_SetAttribute().

If no bases are specified, the object class is implicitly used as a base.

The name of the class cannot begin with two underscores.

contextThe associated context.
nameThe name of the class.
basesAn array of class objects to be used as a base. This can be NULL if basesLen is 0.
basesLenThe length of the bases array.
The instantiated class object, or NULL on failure.
See also
Wg_GetException, Wg_GetErrorMessage

◆ Wg_NewDictionary()

Wg_Obj * Wg_NewDictionary ( Wg_Context context,
Wg_Obj **  keys,
Wg_Obj **  values,
int  len 

Instantiate a dictionary object.

The keys must be hashable, otherwise a TypeError is raised.

contextThe associated context.
keysAn array of keys to initialise the dictionary with. This can be NULL if argc is 0.
valuesAn array of values to initialise the dictionary with. This can be NULL if argc is 0.
lenThe length of the keys and values arrays.
The instantiated object, or NULL on failure.
See also
Wg_GetException, Wg_GetErrorMessage

◆ Wg_NewFloat()

Wg_Obj * Wg_NewFloat ( Wg_Context context,
Wg_float  value 

Instantiate a float object.

contextThe associated context.
valueThe value of the object.
The instantiated object, or NULL on failure.
See also
Wg_GetException, Wg_GetErrorMessage

◆ Wg_NewFunction()

Wg_Obj * Wg_NewFunction ( Wg_Context context,
Wg_Function  fptr,
void *  userdata,
const char *  prettyName 

Instantiate a function object.

To get the userdata in the function, call Wg_GetFunctionUserdata(). To get the keyword arguments passed to the function, call Wg_GetKwargs().

contextThe associated context.
fptrThe native function to be bound.
userdataThe userdata to pass to the function when it is called.
prettyNameThe name of the function, or NULL to use a default name.
The instantiated object, or NULL on failure.
See also
Wg_GetException, Wg_GetErrorMessage, Wg_BindMethod

◆ Wg_NewInt()

Wg_Obj * Wg_NewInt ( Wg_Context context,
Wg_int  value 

Instantiate an integer object.

contextThe associated context.
valueThe value of the object.
The instantiated object, or NULL on failure.
See also
Wg_GetException, Wg_GetErrorMessage

◆ Wg_NewList()

Wg_Obj * Wg_NewList ( Wg_Context context,
Wg_Obj **  argv,
int  argc 

Instantiate a list object.

contextThe associated context.
argvAn array of objects to initialise the list with. This can be NULL if argc is 0.
argcThe length of the argv array.
The instantiated object, or NULL on failure.
See also
Wg_GetException, Wg_GetErrorMessage

◆ Wg_NewSet()

Wg_Obj * Wg_NewSet ( Wg_Context context,
Wg_Obj **  argv,
int  argc 

Instantiate a set object.

contextThe associated context.
argvAn array of objects to initialise the set with. This can be NULL if argc is 0.
argcThe length of the argv array.
The instantiated object, or NULL on failure.
See also
Wg_GetException, Wg_GetErrorMessage

◆ Wg_NewString()

Wg_Obj * Wg_NewString ( Wg_Context context,
const char *  value 

Instantiate a string object.

contextThe associated context.
valueA null terminated string, or NULL for an empty string.
The instantiated object, or NULL on failure.
See also
Wg_GetException, Wg_GetErrorMessage

◆ Wg_NewStringBuffer()

Wg_Obj * Wg_NewStringBuffer ( Wg_Context context,
const char *  buffer,
int  len 

Instantiate a string object from a buffer.

contextThe associated context.
bufferThe buffer.
lenThe length of the buffer.
The instantiated object, or NULL on failure.
See also
Wg_GetException, Wg_GetErrorMessage

◆ Wg_NewTuple()

Wg_Obj * Wg_NewTuple ( Wg_Context context,
Wg_Obj **  argv,
int  argc 

Instantiate a tuple object.

contextThe associated context.
argvAn array of objects to initialise the tuple with. This can be NULL if argc is 0.
argcThe length of the argv array.
The instantiated object, or NULL on failure.
See also
Wg_GetException, Wg_GetErrorMessage

◆ Wg_None()

Wg_Obj * Wg_None ( Wg_Context context)

Get the None singleton value.

contextThe associated context.
The None singleton object.

◆ Wg_ParseKwargs()

bool Wg_ParseKwargs ( Wg_Obj dict,
const char *const *  keys,
int  keysLen,
Wg_Obj **  values 

Get the values from a kwargs parameter.

This function can be called with dictionaries other than the one returned by Wg_GetKwargs().
dictThe dictionary to get the values from. If this is NULL, then an empty dictionary is assumed.
keysThe keys to look up.
keysLenThe length of the keys array.
[out]valuesThe values in the dictionary corresponding to the keys. The values are given in the order that the keys are given and will be NULL for keys that were not found.
A boolean indicating whether the operation was successful.
See also
Wg_GetException, Wg_GetErrorMessage

◆ Wg_Print()

void Wg_Print ( const Wg_Context context,
const char *  message,
int  len 

Print a message.

This function uses the print function specified in the configuration.

contextThe associated context.
messageA byte array containing the message. This can NULL if len is 0.
lenThe length of the message byte array.
See also
Wg_PrintString, Wg_Config

◆ Wg_PrintString()

void Wg_PrintString ( const Wg_Context context,
const char *  message 

Print a string message.

This function uses the print function specified in the configuration.

contextThe associated context.
messageA null terminated message string.
See also
Wg_Print, Wg_Config

◆ Wg_RaiseArgumentCountError()

void Wg_RaiseArgumentCountError ( Wg_Context context,
int  given,
int  expected 

Raise a TypeError with a formatted message.

If an exception is already set, the old exception will be overwritten.

contextThe associated context.
givenThe number of arguments given.
expectedThe number of arguments expected, or -1 if this is not a fixed number.
See also
Wg_RaiseException, Wg_RaiseExceptionClass, Wg_RaiseExceptionObject

◆ Wg_RaiseArgumentTypeError()

void Wg_RaiseArgumentTypeError ( Wg_Context context,
int  index,
const char *  expected 

Raise a TypeError with a formatted message.

If an exception is already set, the old exception will be overwritten.

contextThe associated context.
indexThe parameter index of the invalid argument.
expectedA string describing the expected type.
See also
Wg_RaiseException, Wg_RaiseExceptionClass, Wg_RaiseExceptionObject

◆ Wg_RaiseAttributeError()

void Wg_RaiseAttributeError ( const Wg_Obj obj,
const char *  attribute 

Raise a AttributeError with a formatted message.

If an exception is already set, the old exception will be overwritten.

objThe object missing the attribute.
attributeThe missing attribute.
See also
Wg_RaiseException, Wg_RaiseExceptionClass, Wg_RaiseExceptionObject

◆ Wg_RaiseException()

void Wg_RaiseException ( Wg_Context context,
Wg_Exc  type,
const char *  message 

Create and raise an exception.

If an exception is already set, the old exception will be overwritten.

contextThe associated context.
typeThe exception type.
messageThe error message, or NULL for an empty string.
See also
Wg_RaiseExceptionClass, Wg_RaiseExceptionObject, Wg_ReraiseExceptionObject

◆ Wg_RaiseExceptionClass()

void Wg_RaiseExceptionClass ( Wg_Obj klass,
const char *  message 

Create and raise an exception using a class object.

The class must derive from BaseException, otherwise a TypeError is raised.

If an exception is already set, the old exception will be overwritten.

klassThe exception class.
messageThe error message, or NULL for an empty string.
See also
Wg_RaiseException, Wg_RaiseExceptionObject, Wg_ReraiseExceptionObject

◆ Wg_RaiseExceptionObject()

void Wg_RaiseExceptionObject ( Wg_Obj obj)

Raise an existing exception object.

The object's type must derive from BaseException, otherwise a TypeError is raised.

If an exception is already set, the old exception will be overwritten.

objThe exception object to raise. The type must be a subclass of BaseException.
See also
Wg_RaiseException, Wg_RaiseExceptionClass, Wg_ReraiseExceptionObject

◆ Wg_RaiseKeyError()

void Wg_RaiseKeyError ( Wg_Context context,
Wg_Obj key 

Raise a KeyError with a formatted message.

If an exception is already set, the old exception will be overwritten.

contextThe associated context.
keyThe key that caused the KeyError, or NULL to leave unspecified.
See also
Wg_RaiseException, Wg_RaiseExceptionClass, Wg_RaiseExceptionObject

◆ Wg_RaiseNameError()

void Wg_RaiseNameError ( Wg_Context context,
const char *  name 

Raise a NameError with a formatted message.

If an exception is already set, the old exception will be overwritten.

contextThe associated context.
nameThe name that was not found.
See also
Wg_RaiseException, Wg_RaiseExceptionClass, Wg_RaiseExceptionObject

◆ Wg_RegisterFinalizer()

void Wg_RegisterFinalizer ( Wg_Obj obj,
Wg_Finalizer  finalizer,
void *  userdata 

Register a finalizer to run when an object is garbage collected.

Multiple finalizers may be registered.

Do not instantiate any objects in the finalizer.
objThe object to register the finalizer for.
finalizerThe finalizer function.
userdataThe userdata to pass to the finalizer function.

◆ Wg_RegisterModule()

void Wg_RegisterModule ( Wg_Context context,
const char *  name,
Wg_ModuleLoader  loader 

Register a callback to be called when a module with the given name is imported. In the callback, new members can be added to the module.

contextThe associated context.
nameThe name of the module to register the callback for.
loaderThe callback to register. The callback should return false on failure and otherwise true.
See also
Wg_ImportModule, Wg_ImportFromModule, Wg_ImportAllFromModule

◆ Wg_ReraiseExceptionObject()

void Wg_ReraiseExceptionObject ( Wg_Obj obj)

Raise an existing exception object without affecting the stack trace.

The object's type must derive from BaseException, otherwise a TypeError is raised.

If an exception is already set, the old exception will be overwritten.

objThe exception object to raise. The type must be a subclass of BaseException.
See also
Wg_RaiseException, Wg_RaiseExceptionClass, Wg_RaiseExceptionObject

◆ Wg_SetAttribute()

void Wg_SetAttribute ( Wg_Obj obj,
const char *  attribute,
Wg_Obj value 

Set an attribute of an object.

objThe object to set the attribute for.
attributeThe attribute to set.
valueThe attribute value.
See also
Wg_HasAttribute, Wg_GetAttribute, Wg_GetAttributeNoExcept, Wg_GetAttributeFromBase

◆ Wg_SetErrorCallback()

void Wg_SetErrorCallback ( Wg_ErrorCallback  callback)

Set a callback for programmer errors.

This function is threadsafe.

callbackThe callback to use, or NULL to default to abort().

◆ Wg_SetGlobal()

void Wg_SetGlobal ( Wg_Context context,
const char *  name,
Wg_Obj value 

Set a global variable in the current module namespace.

contextThe associated context.
nameThe name of the global variable.
valueThe value to set.
See also

◆ Wg_SetIndex()

Wg_Obj * Wg_SetIndex ( Wg_Obj obj,
Wg_Obj index,
Wg_Obj value 

Set an index of an object.

This calls the __setitem__ method.

objThe object to index.
indexThe index.
valueThe value to set.
The result of the operation (usually None), or NULL on failure.
See also
Wg_UnaryOp, Wg_BinaryOp, Wg_GetIndex, Wg_GetException, Wg_GetErrorMessage

◆ Wg_SetUserdata()

void Wg_SetUserdata ( Wg_Obj obj,
void *  userdata 

Set the userdata for an object.

If the userdata requires cleanup (e.g. freeing memory), Wg_RegisterFinalizer() may be useful for automatically performing the cleanup when it the object is no longer needed.

Only call this function on objects instantiated from user-created classes created with Wg_NewClass(). Do not set the userdata for builtin types.
objThe object to set the userdata for.
userdataThe userdata to set.
See also

◆ Wg_TryGetUserdata()

bool Wg_TryGetUserdata ( const Wg_Obj obj,
const char *  type,
void **  userdata 

Get the userdata from an object if it is of the expected type.

objThe object to get the value from.
typeThe type to match.
[out]userdataThe userdata. This parameter may be NULL.
A boolean indicating whether obj matches type.
See also
Wg_SetUserdata, Wg_NewClass

◆ Wg_UnaryOp()

Wg_Obj * Wg_UnaryOp ( Wg_UnOp  op,
Wg_Obj arg 

Perform a unary operation.

opThe unary operation to perform.
argThe operand.
The result of the operation, or NULL on failure.
See also
Wg_GetException, Wg_GetErrorMessage

◆ Wg_Unpack()

bool Wg_Unpack ( Wg_Obj obj,
int  count,
Wg_Obj **  values 

Helper function to unpack an iterable object into an array of objects.

If the number of objects yielded by the iterator does not match the count parameter, a ValueError is raised.

objThe object to iterate over.
countThe expected number of values.
[out]valuesThe unpacked objects.
A boolean indicating success.